Created with Admarket’s flickrSLiDR.
Post your entries to the 2008 Chicago International Poster Biennial on Flickr and join our group.
Thousands, perhaps millions of posters will be entered and only 100 will win, so we at 36 Point wanted to showcase as many of the entries as possible to help celebrate poster designers around the world. This gallery is built to house those.tif files that are required of the entry process, so once you send yours off, load them up!
If you don’t have a Flickr account and hate free things that are awesome, post a link to your entry (jpegs please) in our comments and we’ll see that it gets added to the group. Please be sure when adding images to our group, to set their permissions to “public.”
Winners will be announced by the CIPB in the Fall of 2008. Good luck!