
“Today we are joined by Stanley Hainsworth’s hair, and, by extension, Stanley Hainsworth himself.”

Stanley Hainsworth, if taken by his past works, could easily be described as a genius of design (take those stints creative-directing companies like Nike, Lego, and Starbucks for the past 20 years, for example). But when you add in his uncanny appearance, you know you must call him a mad genius! Not that he’s unpleasant, by any means. Stanley is in fact quite nice, and as it happens very forthcoming about his work.

What really makes this show shine was the interview took place about one month after Stanley Hainsworth left Starbucks to begin his own creative endeavor, Tether, which you can find out all about at, and we kindly persuade Mr. Hainsworth to spill the proverbial beans on the project. Enjoy.


Download The Reflex Blue Show with Nate Voss and Donovan Beery, Episode 14 (21 meg) or click here to subscribe directly from the iTunes Music Store.