1PT.Rule Comic: Charlie Sierra
On the last podcast we talked about how to leverage the Adobe student/faculty/staff educational discount to your professional advantage, a practice they seem to encourage now. The ins and outs of this policy are many and varied, but suffice it to say if you are not a student, faculty, or staff, you may need to find some back-alley means to upgrade your softer wares.
I know of three designers whom I’m close to who have the CS4, and no-one has really been able to tell me about it. I’m doing what I would like to think amounts to some decently sophisticated programming in Dreamweaver, taking advantage of the Sauron-esque powers of Adobe Spry effects on our way to a single-page site of pure sugar-coated awesomeness, and the Live View feature would be shortcut to success I am sure. I didn’t even know about integrating Photoshop smart objects into Dreamweaver until I went to the New Features page just now to check that I was appropriately crediting correct items, and when I saw that a very noticeable pang of excitement rolled through my body. Like a kid at Christmas who sees a present under the tree shaped exactly like that Gameboy box he saw in the store, and just knows. It was that kind of pang. I might need to download the preview for this.