1PT.Rule Comic: …And Shout
I TOLD you this was going somewhere! Ooooooooooooooooh.
So Neenah Paper has been pushing their Love Linen site pretty huge on Twitter, and pointed me towards it a few days ago. It’s a lovely site, but i am far past being impressed by sites simply for being lovely. What I was impressed by was them overnighting the Love Linen swatch-book-promo-piece to my ‘office’ about as quick as I’d ordered it through the site. For free. That kind of no-holds-barred push for promotion gets my respect far and away. There’s another portion of the site, where you upload a jpeg and they’ll send you a custom proof, that I have tried several times and failed at, as the system always hangs on my images (I’m trying the Marie wallpaper that will be available for all on this site… soon?). If I can get it to work I’ll let you know. For now, simply know that their Promo/Swatch book is a work of art that you should keep around your office just to show you specifically why print is not dead.